East Link Ridership Estimates (0)
Traffic signals (1)
ST_Bike_Facilities (2)
| No |
| Yes |
KCM_Bike_Facilities_Feb2020 (3)
| Open |
BRT_Stations_Jan2020 (4)
| <all other values> |
| 145th and SR 522 Bus Rapid Transit |
| 522 BRT Extension |
| I-405 Bus Rapid Transit |
BRT522StopsInBuffer_1mile (6)
BRT405StopsInBuffer_1mile (7)
Link Station (Future) (8)
Sound Transit Parking (9)
Sound Transit Parking (10)
Station parking (11)
Point of Interest (12)
School / College (13)
Library (14)
Hospital (15)
Grocery Stores (16)
Farmers Markets (17)
transit (18)
Pedestrian signal (19)
| yes |
Crosswalks, all legs (20)
| no |
| yes |
Crosswalks lighted (21)
intersections (22)
Station entrance (23)
Bicycle conditions (24)
| fair |
| poor |
Neighborhood Greenway (bicycle) (25)
Bike Lane (CofS) (26)
Bike lanes (CofBellevue-single symbol) (27)
Bike lanes (left-side only) (28)
Bike lanes (right-side only) (29)
Bike lanes (both sides) (30)
Buildings (31)
sidewalks (32)
Sidewalk (City of Bellevue) (33)
Streets (34)
Walksheds_QuarterMile (35)
Walksheds_Mile (36)
Walksheds_3Mile (37)
Walksheds_Mile_Diss (38)
Walksheds (1/4 mile) (39)
Bikeshed_3Mile_Diss (40)
% Limited English Proficiency (LEP) (41)
| Up to 4.5% |
| 4.5 to 9.5% |
| 9.5 to 16% |
| 16 to 25% |
| 25% and above |
% Disabled (42)
| Up to 7.5% |
| 7.5 to 13% |
| 13 to 15.5% |
| 15.5 to 20% |
| 20% and above |
% Low Income (43)
| Up to 10% |
| 10 to 18% |
| 18 to 28% |
| 28 to 40% |
| 40% and above |
% Black population (44)
| Up to 2.5% |
| 2.5 to 7.5% |
| 7.5 to 14% |
| 14 to 23% |
| 23% and above |
% Asian population (45)
| Up to 5.5% |
| 5.5 to 12.5% |
| 12.5 to 23% |
| 23 to 38% |
| 38% and above |
% Native American population (46)
| Up to 1% |
| 1 to 3.5% |
| 3.5 to 9.75% |
| 9.75 to 24% |
| 24% and above |
Walksheds (1/4 mile) (47)
Walksheds_3Mile_Diss (48)