ArcGIS REST Services Directory Login

Legend (EastLinkStations_INT)

East Link Ridership Estimates (0)
Traffic signals (1)
ST_Bike_Facilities (2)
No No
Yes Yes
KCM_Bike_Facilities_Feb2020 (3)
Open Open
BRT_Stations_Jan2020 (4)
<all other values> <all other values>
145th and SR 522 Bus Rapid Transit 145th and SR 522 Bus Rapid Transit
522 BRT Extension 522 BRT Extension
I-405 Bus Rapid Transit I-405 Bus Rapid Transit
BRT522StopsInBuffer_1mile (6)
BRT405StopsInBuffer_1mile (7)
Link Station (Future) (8)
Sound Transit Parking (9)
Sound Transit Parking (10)
Station parking (11)
Point of Interest (12)
School / College (13)
Library (14)
Hospital (15)
Grocery Stores (16)
Farmers Markets (17)
transit (18)
Pedestrian signal (19)
yes yes
Crosswalks, all legs (20)
no no
yes yes
Crosswalks lighted (21)
intersections (22)
Station entrance (23)
Bicycle conditions (24)
fair fair
poor poor
Neighborhood Greenway (bicycle) (25)
Bike Lane (CofS) (26)
Bike lanes (CofBellevue-single symbol) (27)
Bike lanes (left-side only) (28)
Bike lanes (right-side only) (29)
Bike lanes (both sides) (30)
Buildings (31)
sidewalks (32)
Sidewalk (City of Bellevue) (33)
Streets (34)
Walksheds_QuarterMile (35)
Walksheds_Mile (36)
Walksheds_3Mile (37)
Walksheds_Mile_Diss (38)
Walksheds (1/4 mile) (39)
Bikeshed_3Mile_Diss (40)
% Limited English Proficiency (LEP) (41)
Up to 4.5% Up to 4.5%
4.5 to 9.5% 4.5 to 9.5%
9.5 to 16% 9.5 to 16%
16 to 25% 16 to 25%
25% and above 25% and above
% Disabled (42)
Up to 7.5% Up to 7.5%
7.5 to 13% 7.5 to 13%
13 to 15.5% 13 to 15.5%
15.5 to 20% 15.5 to 20%
20% and above 20% and above
% Low Income (43)
Up to 10% Up to 10%
10 to 18% 10 to 18%
18 to 28% 18 to 28%
28 to 40% 28 to 40%
40% and above 40% and above
% Black population (44)
Up to 2.5% Up to 2.5%
2.5 to 7.5% 2.5 to 7.5%
7.5 to 14% 7.5 to 14%
14 to 23% 14 to 23%
23% and above 23% and above
% Asian population (45)
Up to 5.5% Up to 5.5%
5.5 to 12.5% 5.5 to 12.5%
12.5 to 23% 12.5 to 23%
23 to 38% 23 to 38%
38% and above 38% and above
% Native American population (46)
Up to 1% Up to 1%
1 to 3.5% 1 to 3.5%
3.5 to 9.75% 3.5 to 9.75%
9.75 to 24% 9.75 to 24%
24% and above 24% and above
Walksheds (1/4 mile) (47)
Walksheds_3Mile_Diss (48)